Constable Teddy Program

"Bears on Board"

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My name is Pamela Stefek Simpson. I am the Children's Project Coordinator with the Louisiana Constables Association. Our organization serves as a outlet for Constables in Louisiana as well as throughout the United States.

Through this organization I am starting a Constable Teddy Program called "Bears on Board". The Constables of this association, as well as myself, hope that you take the time to read this webpage and offer any assistance, suggestions, or donations that you feel appropriate.

Bears on Board
"The Constable Teddy Program's goal is to have a bear in the back of every Constable's patrol car. These bears will be offered to children during situations of domestic violence, car accidents and other similar situations.

For a child, these bears will hopefully give them something to hold onto in those times of emotional crisis."

Teddy bears are near and dear to my heart. If they can bring half as much joy to a child's heart as they do to mine, then this program will be a huge success. I hope that you share in my dream of using these cuddly creatures to bring a smile to the face of every child.

Our Teddy Goal
The primary goal of acquiring and having the teddy bears available is to help ease the pain of a child who is exhibiting signs or symptoms of having been traumatized. This could have been caused by a number of serious situations.

The offering of the teddy bears will solely be at the discretion of the attending Constable. I hope that these bears will quickly become a Constables link to "bearers of comfort and good will". If the Constables can reach and maintain a stronghold on donations for this program, then we can think of moving into new areas such as police departments, fire departments, etc.

We have recently starting taking in children's book donations from various companies. We decided that starting a sub-program for book distribution along with the bears would be of great benefit!

Thanks to Sheila from Brownielocks for the wonderful graphics. You can find her website link on my favorite links page.

Pam's Viewpoint
As a lifetime teddy bear collector, and a board member of the LCA, I can see the value that this program offers. People helping people, hand to hand, citizen to Constable ~ all connected by a teddy bear. When one breaks it down like that it truly sounds rather simple, doesn't it?
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For more information please contact me at:
Pamela S. Simpson

140 Arnold Road

Dry Prong, Louisiana 71423

or email me at

Waiting to hear....

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Bear with us while we serve and protect

Bears on Board ~ 2003